#### Constants ####
WILD_CARDS = [1, 2, 3]
WILD_CHANCE = 3 # Chance of there being a wild card on the board. (Out of 100.)
# Libraries Used
import random
# Position class.
class Position:
def __init__(self, col, row):
self.col = col
self.row = row
# Simple function that checks if a number is prime or not.
def is_prime(prime):
# NOTE: Ranges in Python are inclusive of start and exclusive of end.
# Example: 'range(5, 17)' = [5, 6, ..., 15, 16]
for i in range(2, prime):
if (prime % i) == 0:
return False
return True
# Simple function to see if a number is a factor or multiple of another number.
def is_factor_or_multiple_of(number, of_number):
if number == of_number:
return True
elif number > of_number:
return (number % of_number) == 0
return (of_number % number) == 0
def all_primes_in_range(all_range):
primes = []
for i in all_range:
if is_prime(i):
return primes
def get_excluded_primes(primes, scale_range):
all_primes = all_primes_in_range(scale_range)
excluded_primes = []
for prime in all_primes:
if prime not in primes:
return excluded_primes
def get_valid_scalars(primes, excluded_primes, scale_range):
valid_scalars = []
for i in scale_range:
is_valid = False
for prime in primes:
if is_factor_or_multiple_of(i, prime):
is_valid = True
for prime in excluded_primes:
if is_factor_or_multiple_of(i, prime):
is_valid = False
if is_valid:
return valid_scalars
# Simple function that has a chance of returning 'True'
# where the chance is a number out of 100.
def prob_of_true(percentage):
prob = percentage * 0.01
return random.random() < prob
def choose_random(items):
return random.choice(items)
# This function generates a board and then returns it.
# In this case, a board is just a Python dictionary.
def generate_board(primes, scale_range, cols, rows):
board = {} # A dictionary is just a type that maps keys to values.
wild_card_index = 0
wild_card_chosen_times = 0
excluded_primes = get_excluded_primes(primes, scale_range)
valid_scalars = get_valid_scalars(primes, excluded_primes, scale_range)
# Iterating through every cell in the board...
for col in range(cols):
for row in range(rows):
# Cell position.
position = Position(col, row)
chosen_prime = choose_random(primes)
scalar = choose_random(valid_scalars)
cell_value = chosen_prime * scalar
if prob_of_true(WILD_CHANCE * len(WILD_CARDS)):
if wild_card_chosen_times >= 3:
wild_card_chosen_times = 0
wild_card_index += 1
if wild_card_index >= len(WILD_CARDS):
wild_card_index = 0
wild_card = WILD_CARDS[wild_card_index]
wild_card_chosen_times += 1
cell_value = wild_card
# Setting the cell value on the board.
board[(position.col, position.row)] = cell_value
# Returning the board out of the function.
return board
# Main (entry) function for this example program.
def main():
# Parameter: PRIMES
primes = [2, 3]
print("Enter prime numbers to use. To stop adding primes, simply press enter with nothing in the input.")
while True:
user_in = input("Enter Prime: ")
if user_in == "":
prime = int(user_in)
if is_prime(prime) == False:
print("Not a valid prime number! Discarding...")
# Parameter: SCALE_RANGE
scale_range = range(2, int(input("Enter Maximum Scalar: ")) + 1)
size_cols = int(input("Board Column Count (Recommended: 10): "))
size_rows = int(input("Board Row Count (Recommended: 10): "))
board = generate_board(primes, scale_range, size_cols, size_rows)
print(f"\nPrimes: {primes}\n")
for row in range(size_rows):
for col in range(size_cols):
position = Position(col, row)
cell = board[(position.col, position.row)]
print(f"{cell}", end = ' ')
if __name__ == "__main__":